The meeting  started around 9.45 am with an openig prayer by the State Secretary- Prophet  Ojo Dayo Sunday.                        

This was led by the State Music Director- Pst. Dr.Mrs    Funmi  Andrews.

The state  Chairman- Rev. Samuel Olusanmi  took a first step of prophetic prayer and declaration  on RMC- from ward level to the national and international level. He went further to emphasize on the mission of RMC- as a body that is made up ministers  that are spiritually conscious of whom they were as Ambassadors  of Christ ,defenders of faith- RMC  is a movement that here to make the difference .He took his messages from Act.6: 3 to emphasize on  Honesty,Holy Spirit  and  Wisdom  as prerequisites requirements and what should be seeing  in every proclaimed member of-RMC.                    

He started his welcome adress with word of encouragement and affirmation that every offces occupied by each leader of RMC would be allowed to function and perform unlike some other association having offices or portfolio without any tangible assignment. All our national officers ,and State exco were officially  and physically made known as present.He went further to allay the fear of seeing RMC- as a parallel body to PFN or an opposition to any existing Christians organisation, but rather-RMC is a redefined  body of Christ having conglomerates of Christians leaders that is all encompassing cutting accross the Charismatic, Evangelical, Apostolic, Pentecostal etc  with a better mission of representing Christ  in all things as Christ ambassador  and defending the faith.He ended his word of assurrance about RMC by informing the house that our National President Bishop Steve Ogedengbe is on his way to be with us in the meeting  as soon as possible.              

Prayer for RMC vision and mission ,Nigeria  as a nation   and the Church  were differently  led by  the State Prayer  Director- Pst.  Babalade,State Vice Chairman- Apst  Dr.Covenant Eze- and Asst.State Dir.of Training & Education- Dr.Bolarinwa Omotosho.       

This was by our National President- Bishop Steve Ogedengbe. He took his messages from Prov.13: 20.  He that work with the wise shall be wise,but a companion of fool shall be destroyed. Wise men was pratically used to butress his point with relationship between  Otedola and Dangote to serve as an evidence of what right and good relationship  can bring to anyone in the time of need.He was very blunt in  telling us that so many organisation existed without any noticeable support to offer when you are down. RMC is here to make the difference, and that with RMC- he assured us that none of us shall be put to shame and that we shall not be  shamed in this journey of our faith as Christ ambassador and defenders of faith. Harvard University  was used again as he told us that every product of Harvard University sees one another as one and pursue the  interest  and good welfare of one and another.RMC – shall operate on one cardinal point of Jesus that says – Love your neighbour as yourself. In RMC – we are all called  no one is greater or lesser.You dont beg to be noted .You dont stay where you are tolerated.You are only functioning where you are celebrated. RMC- is a platform where we fight  for each other helping and defending each other,and this we shall do that everybody will be envious The National President went further, by saying  beginning with the Inauguration of RMC Lagos State Exco today,we have great good news all  around us .One of the ladder of greatness in life is relationship. When  grace follow you ,protocol is broken.All exco were congratulated for having the privileges of occupying  one position or the other .He ended  with a clarity that we shall work together in such a way that when we visit your local government, then you will know what we carry and benefits in Lagos state will also begin to follow every of our commitment as a member  of RMC.                       

The state Chairman gave occasion for questions and answers bothering on what some of us that are executives in other association holding offces that appeared to be similar.Question on RMC probably as a threat to PFN- Our National Secretary and President meticulously in wisdom of Christ  says we are all one in Christ, but RMC is a body of Christ consisting of great leaders of new wine in a new bottle.

The Inauguration

The National President Bishop Steve Ogedengbe Prophetically and prayerfully inaugurated RMC- Lagos State exco as we all took an oath of office this Monday-12th day of August ‘2024. The meeting eneded by 2.00pm gloriously with refreshment,gifts and celebration as we were reminded by our State Chairman of our  readiness to prepare for our next online meeting this week Friday 7.00am – 7.45am.

Pastor Tairu Olaitan Ojora.

The State Director of Media & Digital Communication.

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