There are different types of trees in the world. Each tree has its own uniqueness. But how much do you know about this mysterious tree called Igi Nla or Asorin? Well, if you have little or no knowledge of this tree, sit back and learn about this mysterious tree.

The tree is also known as Asorin in Yoruba, and its bark and root are commonly used in the creation of powerful charms. It is obtained by approaching the tree from afar and throwing a live rooster at it following a series of incantations.
It is normally inaccessible to humans, Its leaves never touch the ground..cobwebs are woven around its top where all dead leaves drop. No grass or living things grow under it or within its radius. If any bird touches it, it dies instantly. So also other living things. That’s why no other big plant is seen around it.
No one dares approach it beyond a certain distance. It talks and when its help is spiritually sought, it sends an emissary in the form of its fig to accompany the petitioner. This is accompanied by a loud clap of thunderous sound. The tree can be found in Iwo and Amere in Osun State. The distance from Amere to Nigeria’s capital Abuja is approximately 390km.